Seminars 2024

IUCLID Seminar for REACH, 2-day seminar: 12th/13th of November 24 in Dresden  

Avoid accidents: HAZOP/ LOPA/ Human Factors/ Functional Safety Seminar;

REACH - Data GAP Analysis

First REACH data gap analysis upon clients data on intrinsic properties, usage and exposure

Save money! We tell you what is the minimum REACH testing, not from a test laboratory point of view!

Data GAP Analyses will be performed according to the standard data requirements of Annex VII to XI of REACH. Requirements depend on already available quality data, on the tonnage, intrinsic properties, use and exposure situation. Waiving of studies is possible depending on the substance properties and use and exposure situation.

Data GAP Analysis is also fundamental for the submission of an Inquiry Dossier for a non Phase-in substance or for a Phase-in substance which has not been pre-registered.

For an Inquiry – the information requirements form of ECHA needs to be filled out to state which information requirements are missed for the substance.

For a quotation on our competent REACH Data gap analysis service please contact us.