Seminars 2024

IUCLID Seminar for REACH, 2-day seminar: 12th/13th of November 24 in Dresden  

Avoid accidents: HAZOP/ LOPA/ Human Factors/ Functional Safety Seminar;


2023/12/23: Turkey REACH KKDIK postponement of registration deadlines official. The new deadlines for registration under KKDIK are:
- 31.12.2026:
Substances ≥ 1000 t/a
Substances classified as Aquatic Acute 1 and Aquatic Chronic 1 (H400, 410) ≥ 100 t/a
Substances with CMR properties (Cat. 1A, 1B) ≥ 1 t/a
- 31.12.2028:
Substances 100 - < 1000 t/a
- 31.12.2030
Substances 1 - < 100 t/a
The link to the official announcement (in Turkish):

If you have any questions about compliance with the KKDIK in Turkey, please do not hesitate to contact us at


The Downstream User Importer Notification (DUIN) to HSE has been prolonged. On HSE website it says: "If you did not notify HSE and wish to continue to import EU REACH registered substances into Great Britain at or above one tonne per year, you can still submit a notification, if eligible to do so. You should do this as soon as possible." We will be happy to carry out this notification for you.


OECD launches AOP-Wiki (Adverse Outcome Pathway)

To collect information on adverse effects of chemicals, OECD has launched the AOP-Wiki. Ultimately the data base will be used to enhance test methods.

[More Information]

[OECD-Press release]


PACT-RMOA-List online

To enhance transparency of the process, ECHA launched the PACT-RMOA-List (PACT = Public Activities Coordination Tool; RMOA = Risk Management Option Analysis), with all the substances, which are or will be analyzed for their risk characteristics.

[More Information]



ECHA extends REACH-IT opening hours

To ensure that all registrants have enough time to submit their dossiers, ECHA decided to extend the opening hours of REACH-IT. From Monday, 20th May to Saturday 1st June REACH-IT will be open non-stop.

[More Information]


IUCLID 5.5 available / Ready for Biocidal Products

The new version of IUCLID5 has been released. In preparation for the Regulation on Biocidal Products coming into force on Sept. 1st, 2013 new dossier types have been implemented as well as 13 new templates on nanomaterials. Dossiers created in IUCLID5.5 can still be imported to and modified in IUCLID5.4.

[Further Information]

[IUCLID5.5 Download (Only for signed up users)]


New comittee for biocidal products starts working

On September 1st, 2013 the new regualtion on Biocidal Products will come into force. To decide on the working methods, procedures and priorities the new comittee has met from 26 to 27 March 2013. First decisions on biocidal products are expected early next year.

[Further Information]


New Fee Calculation Plug-In available

With launching the new REACH Fee Regulation on 22 March 2013 a new Fee Calculation Plug-In will be available for download.


REACH-IT not available from 11th to 12 th March 2013

To be able to prepare for the registration deadline and Croatia joining the EU, REACH-IT will not be available for the above mentioned two days.


ECHA changes REACH registration fees

At the end of March 2013 ECHA will change the registration fees. The registration fees for larg companies have been increased, whereas the ragistration fees for SMEs have been decreased.

[Comparative Table with Fees]



The new CHESAR version 2.2 standardises Exposure Scenarios and registrants will be able to prepare their CSR (Chemical Safety Report) and extended Safety Data Sheets without loosing data by copying it.

[More Information]

First 36 Substance Evaluations finished. 4 without complaints.

The member states have finished the first 36 substance evaluations. 32 substances have been reported to need further information by the registrants.

[More Information]


11 substances proposed for Harmonised Classification & Labelling

The member states have proposed 11 substances for the CLH public consultations. It will end on 19th April 2013.

[More Information and list of substances]


Public Consultation on 10 new SVHCs

The consultation if the 10 substances will be included in the list for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) will end on 18th April 2013.

[More Informattion & List of Substances]


ECHA offers help to registrants

In 2010 ECHA and the DCG (Directors' Contact Group) identified potential risks for registrants to register their substances on time. ECHA offers support to a registrant, who without being responsible, will not be able to register on time. It is important that the affected registrant contacts ECHA as soon as possible to find a solution.

[More Information]


New web-based platform for C&L Inventory

ECHA launched a web-based discussion forum for the Classification & Labelling Inventory. It should help C&L notifiers and REACH-Registrants of the same substance to discuss the classification and labelling of their substance. Especially beneficial for SMEs (Small-Medium-Sized-Enterprises) as they will be able to follow the classification set by larger companies.

[More Information]


10 substances listet as SVHC recommended for Annex XIV REACH

ECHA has recommended 10 substances which have been listed as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for inclusion on Annex XIV REACH.

[More Infomation]


54 new substances on SVHC-List. Now 138 substances.

The target set by the Vice-President and the Commissioner has been reached. The list on Substances of very high concern (SVHC) containes now 138 substances with the addition of 54 substances at the end of December 2012.

[More Information]


ECHA and REACH-IT to be closed during holidays

ECHA-Helpdesk and REACH-IT will be closed durin the holidays starting on Dezember 21st 2012 11:00 CET. They will be re-opened on January 2nd 2013 09:00 CET. Starting on December 19th 2012 11:00 CET ECHA will limit its services.

[More Information]


54 new substances for the SVHC-list

THe Member State Comittee (MSC) agreed on 23 substances to be put on the SVHC-list (Substances of Very High Concern). Futhermore 31 substances are to be added without consultation of the MSC.

[More Information]


ECHA published company names and registration numbers

As decided in 2011 ECHA has published the company and registration numbers. In total there are 26,000 company names and registration numbers available. Furthermore the search function has been extended. Starting in December 2012 further information will be made public.

[More Information]

6 month moratorium starts on December 1, 2012

To allow registrants to fully concentrate on their preparaion fot the registration until May 31, 2013, ECHA has put a hold on update concerning Guidelines and IT-Tools starting on Dec. 1, 2012.

[More Information]


Updated OECD Tst Guidlelines online available

The OECDiLibrary has updated some of the OECD Test Guidlines (TG). They can be downloaded from the OECD Homepage.

ECHA makes new web form for notifying SVHCs available online

The new web form is easy and self-explanatory. The possibility to notify ECHA of the use of SVHCs in your articles via IUCLID is still available.

[More Information]


NEW REACH-IT-Version available on 30th November 2012

The new REACH-IT-Version will be available at the end of November. The new version will entail a "Co-Registrant"-page with all the contact details of the members of the joint submission and potential registrants. Some User Manuals will be updated as well.

[More Information]


New REACH-IT Version in November

The latest Version of REACH-IT will be online at the end of November. The REACH-IT homepage will not be available for the duration of the upload which will take up to 2 weeks.

[More Information]


ECHA prepares 38 SVHC proposals

Requested by the European Commision, ECHA prepares 38 SVHC proposals to meet the candidate list target of 136 substances by the end of 2012.


RACH-IT back online

The new REACH-IT-version is online. Be aware that this new version accepts only dossiers created with IUCLID-version 5.4. The new IUCLID Plug-Ins and DataSubmissionManuals are also available for download.

[More Information]


New CHESAR Version for Download available

ECHA recommends to download the new CHEASR Version 2.0. This new version can be operated without having to log into IUCLID first as it is a stand-alone version. Another update follows in autumn after the REACH-IT Update.

[More Information]


New substances on SVHC list

ECHA updatet the candidate list for SVHC Substances. There are 13 new substances on the list.

[More Inforamtion]

[Candidate list]


NEW IUCLID Version available

The new IUCLID-Version 5.4 is now available for download. It ist recommended to wait for the new REACH-IT version before updating IUCLID5 as the new plug-ins won't be available until July 2012.

[More Information]


New IUCLID5 and REACH-IT Version

The new IUCLID5.4 version will be available by the end of May 2012, the new REACH-IT version will be following later in summer 2012.

[More Information]


13 new substances for SVHC Candidate list

ECHA published a list with 13 substances recommended as Substances of Very High concern. Comments can be delivered via the web form on the ECHA Homepage.

[More Information


Only Representatives allowed to apply for authorisation

The ECHA was informed by the European Commission Services that OR can apply for authorisation. ECHA will follow this by updating the webforms, REACH-IT and the Data Submission Manual # 22.

[More Information]     [our OR Service]


Classification & Labelling Inventory coming soon

ECHA will launch the new Public C&L Inventory during the week commencing the 13th Febuary 2012. All notified and registered substances, as so far have been received by the ECHA, will be listet.


ECHA recommends 13 substances for authorisation

Those 13 substances are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or toxic for reproduction.

More Information and list


20 substances added to SVHC list

ECHA has added 20 more substances to the list of substances of very high concern

[More Information]   [SVHC list]


New Substances on the list for SVHCs

ECHA will publish a revised version of the list for SVHCs the week before Christmas holidays containing 20 new substances.

[More information]



The new IUCLID version 5.3.2 is now available

[More Information]


New IUCLID developments

The IUCLID project has given further information on the new releases of the IUCLID software. The new maintenance version 5.3.2 should be available at the end of 2011, the new service release should be available in the first half of 2012.

[More Information]


ECHA publishes a report on the experiences of REACH registrants of the first registration period.

In July 2011 ECHA send a survey to all successful REACH registrants. The answers will help the ECHA and future registrants.

[More Information]


ECHA published a guidance in summary for identification and naming of substances under REACH and CLP

[More Information]


ECHA doubles numbers of trainees in 2012

To respond to the increased industry demand for REACH and CLP, ECHA decided to double its number of trainees starting 2012.

[More Information]


IUCLID Video tutorial

A video tutorial for the IUCLID stand-alone installation procedure is available on the You-Tube-CHannel of the ECHA. [More Information]


New procedure for naming your substance

A new procedure for requesting an alternative chemical name has been released. For more information look here.


New Guidelines for SDS

The ECHA (European CHemical Agency) released new guidelines on Safety Data Sheets (SDS). [More Information]


IUCLID Plug-in Chesar is available!

The new chemical safety and report tool Chesar (CHEmical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool) is available. [more information]


New Substances on SVHC-List

The list for SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern) containes now 53 substances. [SVHCs]



IUCLID 5.3 with several updates and modifications is available and can be downloaded free of charge from the IUCLID Website. [press release]

Important note: Version 5.3 is obligatory for registrants as soon as the new REACH-IT version 2.2 will be released in April 2011. Dossier submissions before this release date must still be made with the current IUCLID 5.2 version!


The first six substances of very high concern (SVHC) were removed from the SVHC candidate list and added to the authorisation list (EC 1907/2006 Annex XIV): 5-ter-butyl-2,4,6-trinito-m-xylene (musk xylene), 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), bis(2-ethylexyl) phthalate (DEHP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP). These subtances will be banned within the next 3 to 5 years and individual companies need an authorisation for a specific use if they want to continue using these SVHCs. [press release]


An updated IUCLID dissemination plug-in is available free of charge at the IUCLID Website! It helps registrants to see which parts of their REACH registration dossiers will be made publicly available. [press release]


The European Chemicals Agency ECHA received 3.1 million Classification and Labelling notifications under the CLP Regulation and cover now a total of 107,067 substances. These numbers will continue to increase due to the continuos placements of new substances on the market. The statistics will be updated on a regular basis. [press release]


ECHA recommend the adding of eight new substances to the Authorisation List due to CMR properties: Chromium trioxide, acids generated from chromium trioxide and their oligomers, cobalt(II)sulphate, cobalt(II)dinitrate, cobalt(II)carbonate, cobalt(II)diacetate, 2-methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol [press release].


Des séminaires de formation IUCLID 5.2 vous seront désormais proposés en langue française par des Experts de REACh ChemConsult GmbH.

Prochains rendez-vous: du 1 au 3 septembre 2010 à Cologne.

Et 22 au 24 septembre 2010 à Paris. Pour plus d'information contacter s'il-vous-plait [Presse release].

Further IUCLID5.2 trainings in french. Cologne: 1-3.09.2010, Paris: 22.-24.09.2010.


IUCLID5.2 seminars are now offered in French language by the experts of REACh ChemConsult GmbH. First training will be held in Cologne, on May 26-28 2010. For further information contact the [press release].


Acrylamide added to the Candidate List of SVHC

Acrylamide (EC No 201-173-7 and CAS No 79-06-1) was added to the Candidate List of Substances Very High Concern due to its carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. [press release]


New REACH-IT version will be launched on March 25, 2010

The old REACH-IT system was shut down at 5 P.M. today and will remained closed until March 25, 2010 9 A.M., when a new REACH-IT version will be launched. [press release]


Consultation on eight potential Substances of Very High Concern: Denmark, France and Germany have put forward proposals to identify 8 chemical substances as SVHC: trichloroethylene, boric acid, disodium tetraborate anhydrous, tetraboron disodium heptaoxide hydrate, sodium chromate, potassium chromate, ammonium dichromate und potassium dichromate [press release]


IMPORTANT IUCLID UPDATE: Reach dossiers prepared with the old IUCLID 5.0 oder 5.1 versions must be submitted to the ECHA until March 1, 2010. After this deadline registrants may only use the new IUCLID 5.2 software, that will be available starting February 15, 2010. [press release]


SVHC: 14 new substances of very high concern!

The European Chemicals Agency ECHA has added 14 additional substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) to the Candidate List. [press relase]; [current SVHC-list]


REACH-EN-FORCE: more REACH enforcement projects coming up!

The REACH enforcement project will focus also on formulators of mixtures who are the first level Downstream Users in the supply chain in 2010/2011. [press release]


The European Chemicals Agency has released a list of 15 new substances of very high concern to be included in the SVHC candidates list in January 2010: Anthracene oil (EC number: 292-602-7, 295-278-5, 295-275-9, 292-604-8 and 292-603-2), pitch coal tar (266-028-2), acrylamide (201-173-7), aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres, zirconia aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, diisobutyl phthalate, lead chromate (231-846-0), lead chromate molybdate sulphate red (235-759-9), lead sulfochromate yellow (215-693-7) and tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (204-118-5). Official [press release]


How does REACH affect natural substances?

A review of how companies are affected by REACH that manufacture substances occuring in nature or that are obtained from natural sources has been written by Dr. Ricarda Koopmann and Dr. Thomas Gildemeister. [see more on REACH and natural substances]


A new overview for the proposed animal testings is online:

To gather all the relevant data and avoid unnecessary animal testing ECHA has started a list of vertebrate animal testing proposal for annexes IX and X on this page. Companies are encouraged to provide and share all available scientifically valid information related to the testing proposals within 45 days.


A new IUCLID 5 upgrade (5.1.1) is now available:

An upgrade (5.1.1) can be downloaded free of charge from the IUCLID Website for the standalone and the distributed versions of IUCLID 5. The bugs within the Helpsystem and Java incompatibilities were corrected.


The first seven SVHCs under strict control:

The European Chemicals Agency recommends that the following seven substances of very high concern (SVHC) should not be used without specific authorisation: musk xylene, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA), short chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), bis(2-ethyhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), benzylbutylphthalate (BBP), dibutylphthalate (DBP). Three of these substances are toxic to reproduction, one is carcinogenic and the other three are classified as persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB).


The REACH-IT Data Submission Manual 8 was published

The new Data Submission Manual 8 helps companies to successfully submit their REACH dossiers through REACH-IT by providing detailed information about the initial checks, called “business rules”, that are made before further processing by the European Chemical Agency.


Tool for the technical completeness check will be available by the end of 2009:

The European Chemicals Agency ECHA will make the technical Completeness check tool available until the end of 2009. This said Laurence Hoffstadt at the REACH-Congress held by BAuA "SIEF, Konsortien und gemeinsame Einreichung von Daten" on 26.03.2009. The tool will be integrated in IUCLID 5. The technical completeness check tool is crucial to assure the correct preparation of the registration dossiers for REACH. With the tool companies can check in advance the completeness of their dossiers. The tool will use the same algorithms as the one that is used by ECHA stuff members after the submission of the dossiers. Currently a tool for the technical completeness check is available for inquiry and PPORD dossiers.


Preparation of the Chemical Safety Report: CSR plugin for IUCLID5 is now available on the IUCLID website.

For substances that are manufactured or imported above 10 tons/year a Chemical Safety Report (CSR) must be included in the technical IUCLID registration dossier. A plug-in has been implemented in IUCLID 5.1 (latest version) in order to help the preparation of sections covering the identity of the substance, information on manufacture and use, its physical and chemical properties, classification and labelling as well as the hazard assessment of the substance. Data will be extracted into a structured document in XML or RTF format. The experts of REACh ChemConsult GmbH have tested the tool concluding that this will be a good technical support for the preparation of the CSR. To download the CSR plugin and the comprehensive manuals select:



First public consultation on an EU-wide harmonisation of the classification and labelling of two substances

The European Chemicals Agency announces on its website the first public consultation on a proposal to harmonise the classification and labelling of the pesticide "epoxiconazole" and the flame retardant "diantimony trioxide".


NEW! The IUCLID 5 End User Manual in 22 languages:

The IUCLID 5 End User Manual is now available in German language and as a plug-in for the intregrated IUCLID 5 help system. To download the language specific plug-in you need to log in to your created account at the IUCLID 5 website.


A Query Plug-in is available for IUCLID 5.1 :

The brand-new query plug-in from the IUCLID website provides better access to the user’s IUCLID 5 database and helps a company to retrieve information about their own substances and dossiers.


Access to REACH-IT still restricted:

Dossier submission, including “late pre-registrations”, is only available from 8:00 on Monday to 19:00 on Friday (Eastern European Standard Time; GMT +2). The system is not working during weekends or public holidays and unfortunately even during the week the REACH-IT servers are still facing overload.


The first service release of IUCLID 5 is now available

An upgraded version of IUCLID 5 (5.1) is now available and can be downloaded at no charge from Get IUCLID 5.


Substances of very high concern:

ECHA has started the consultation for seven prioritised substances. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments and information to the ECHA. Closing date for comments is 14 April 2009.


ECHA faces severe server problems

Companies wanting to log in to the ECHA’s REACH-IT systems are still experiencing problems after January 5, 2009, even though ECHA has promised that the REACH-IT system will be working after January 5th: „REACH-IT is now closed until 5 January 2009. On 5 January 2009, companies can start notifications, inquiries and registrations via REACH-IT.“


The new CLP Regulation was published:

The new Regulation EC No. 1272/2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging for Substances and Mixtures will enter into force 20 January 2009.


ECHA publishes the list of pre-registered substances:

The list of pre-registered substances contains about 150,000 substances from 65,000 companies.


Substances of very high concern:

The European Chemicals Agency ECHA has published the first candidate list that includs 15 substances proposed as SVHC (substances of very high concern). This list brings new obligations for manufacturers and importers.


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