Seminars 2024

IUCLID Seminar for REACH, 2-day seminar: 12th/13th of November 24 in Dresden  

Avoid accidents: HAZOP/ LOPA/ Human Factors/ Functional Safety Seminar;

IUCLID 6 Service

IUCLID - Installation Service

We will install IUCLID 6 on a single- or multiuser system. Installation support on the phone is also possible. The perfect support for IUCLID standalone installations and distributed versions.

IUCLID 6 - Hosting - Managed Service
We install and maintain a IUCLID 5 server instance on our hosting facility. We use PostgreSQL database system in HA configuration for IUCLID 6. The on-disk data is protected using AES disk encryption with 256 bit key size. Your data is backed up on a daily basis. Access to the instance through VPN is available upon request.





Are you interested in our IUCLID 6 Services or do you have any further questions? Please contact our experts for orders and more information.